We are very proud to announce that FileMaker Inc. has appointed DataManix as a FBA Platinum partner.
Platinum partners are specially selected by FileMaker Inc., an Apple subsidiary, for exhibiting the highest level of technical expertise and customer service in creating innovative solutions on the FileMaker platform.
In order to celebrate this properly, we have created a desktop version of the FMS ServerAdmin tool, that we are giving away for free. Download the tool below.
What is FMS ServerAdminDT ?
This tool allows you to manage all your FileMaker Servers (version. 13+). You can access the FileMaker Server Admin console right from within the tool as well as manage SSL certificates for each server.
It is a perfect companion to our iOS app, that you can download from the Apple AppStore; FMS ServerAdmin. You can exchange server and SSL certificate informations between the desktop version and the iOS version of FMS ServerAdmin via csv file.
In order to give you even more tools, we have created an extra section in the desktop version, where you can store FileMaker installers and create custom installers with encoded license key and other options from AssistedInstall feature.
We have also included a feature, that can read the information in SSL certificate request and custom certificate files.
These features are made possibly using the great and free BaseElements plugin from our colleagues at Goya.
The FMS ServerAdminDT tool is free, but locked for development.
UPDATE: If you already downloaded this tool, you will notice that now you can also select to build FM15 installers.
Watch the movie to learn about the features.
Please provide your name and email address for your free* download.
Free means “Yes please, I´d like to receive up to four mails a year
with relevant information about TheBrainBasket universe.”
Distributed as-is; no warranty is given.Use of the material is at your own responsibility. If you use techniques from our solutions, you are welcome to credit DataManix (optional of course). Free means “Yes please, I´d like to receive up to four mails a year with relevant information about TheBrainBasket universe.” Your information stays with us!
If you want to want to get more great content, tips&tricks, be sure to follow @DataManix at twitter, linkedin or facebook for announcements. Also, look out for upcoming announcements on updated examples and our new blog site.
By downloading the file you will be added to our mailing list (Don’t worry, we won’t spam you)…
We are very proud to announce that FileMaker Inc. has appointed DataManix as a FBA Platinum partner.
Platinum partners are specially selected by FileMaker Inc., an Apple subsidiary, for exhibiting the highest level of technical expertise and customer service in creating innovative solutions on the FileMaker platform.
In order to celebrate this properly, we have created a desktop version of the FMS ServerAdmin tool, that we are giving away for free.
This tool allows you to manage all your FileMaker Servers (version. 13+). You can access the FileMaker Server Admin console right from within the tool as well as manage SSL certificates for each server.
It is a perfect companion to our iOS app, that you can download from the Apple AppStore; FMS ServerAdmin. You can exchange server and SSL certificate informations between the desktop version and the iOS version of FMS ServerAdmin via csv file.
In order to give you even more tools, we have created an extra section in the desktop version, where you can store FileMaker installers and create custom installers with encoded license key and other options from AssistedInstall feature.
We have also included a feature, that can read the information in SSL certificate request and custom certificate files.
These features are made possibly using the great and free BaseElements plugin from our colleagues at Goya.
The FMS ServerAdminDT tool is free, but locked for development.
In this video, we are talking about FileMaker Server backups – or more precisely, a backup set, that you create for remote backup.
Ultimately we want our FileMaker Server to take incremental backup, so we save on processing power and the time it takes to do a backup.
But we also want our remote backup software to do incremental backup, instead of moving a full copy every night.
Now in order for FileMaker server to do incremental backup, it needs to stamp the backup set folder with a timestamp. However, the Remote Backup software will as a result, see the entire folder and it’s files as changed and therefore it will do a full backup.
Watch this movie and download the FMS Backup Helper tool to solve this problem, so you can have both the FileMaker Server and your Remote Backup Software do incremental backups, which probably would also save you money on your remote storage backup.
The credentials for the helper file is;
Please provide your name and email address for your free* download.
Free means “Yes please, I´d like to receive up to four mails a year
with relevant information about TheBrainBasket universe.”
Distributed as-is; no warranty is given.Use of the material is at your own responsibility. If you use techniques from our solutions, you are welcome to credit DataManix (optional of course). Free means “Yes please, I´d like to receive up to four mails a year with relevant information about TheBrainBasket universe.” Your information stays with us!
If you want to want to get more great content, tips&tricks, be sure to follow @DataManix at twitter, linkedin or facebook for announcements. Also, look out for upcoming announcements on updated examples and our new blog site.
By downloading the file you will be added to our mailing list (Don’t worry, we won’t spam you)…
Watch this video to get inspired.
I will show you a device, that can capture the gestures of your hand and thereby control a FileMaker solution.
While this is just a prototype and proof of concept, there could actually be a lot of applications, where such thing could come in handy.
Imagine a chef in a restaurant, that prepares dishes and the orders is displayed on a screen. Instead of having to press a touch screen or a keypad with his hands, that have just been working on the food, he can wave his hand in front of the sensor to go to next order, previous, mark it as being worked on.
Never have to contaminate keypads, tablets etc.
Do you have any other ideas for use ?, then please leave a comment….
Richard Carlton at www.learningfilemaker.com has released an updated video with content shot at DevCon 2015 in Las Vegas. Here I explain how the new updated SVG gallery tool works. As we explained the SVG format and how it works with FileMaker in the original video, this new updated video includes content from the original, as well as showing how the new tool works. It is very cool and easy to manage your collections of icons and almost magic how FileMaker can get your icons into your solution, without you having to import them separately.
Below is my original post about the tool.
Now you get an even smarter way of managing your SVG icons, and a very smart and easy way to get a collection of icons, directly into the icons palette within your FileMaker solution.
The SVG Gallery tool works by importing your icons, taking the content of SVG files directly into a text field. From there, you can process all found icons to add the needed class in order to allow FileMaker 14 to control the color of the icon. Now, in order to get a collection of icons into the icon palette in your solution, there is now a very smart way to do so, using the SVG Gallery tool.
Simply find the icons, you want in the gallery, do an optionally sorting, press a button and the function will now generate a buttonbar object, containing a segment for each of the found icons, with an icon on each. This buttonbar will be placed on the clipboard. Now you just go to your solution and paste that buttonbar object. You can delete it again immediately after you have pasted it, as FileMaker will already have copied all the icons into the icon palette of that solution file.
Here is the updated video we did with Richard Carlton on www.learningfilemaker.com. This video will explain what the SVG format is about and how to use this tool and not least show you a cool tool to organize and work with collections of icons.
This is an updated video.
If you want to want to get more great content, tips&tricks, be sure to follow @DataManix at twitter, linkedin or facebook for announcements. Also, look out for upcoming announcements on updated examples and our new blog site
Please provide your name and email address for your free* download.
Free means “Yes please, I´d like to receive up to four mails a year
with relevant information about TheBrainBasket universe.”
Distributed as-is; no warranty is given.Use of the material is at your own responsibility. If you use techniques from our solutions, you are welcome to credit DataManix (optional of course). Free means “Yes please, I´d like to receive up to four mails a year with relevant information about TheBrainBasket universe.” Your information stays with us!