That litterally anything can be done with FileMaker is already common knowledge. So why not integrate a map to form the necessary overview of departments, customers, locations, events and the like?
This file is a hands-on standalone file which you can use as inspiration or copy/paste from, to your own solution.
As standalone file, all you need to add is your own Google Maps API key.
You can view existing SITE records, edit existing SITE records, add new SITE records and finally you can also delete SITE records.
Username: admin
Password: [empty]
Happy mapping 😉
We have identified a bug in the first released version, which prevented the maps to load on a Windows computer. This bug has now been fixed and the file on this download has been updated. If you previously downloaded this example file, please download again.
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Distributed as-is; no warranty is given.Use of the material is at your own responsibility. If you use techniques from our solutions, you are welcome to credit DataManix (optional of course).
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Free means “Yes please, I´d like to receive up to four mails a year with relevant information about TheBrainBasket universe.”
Your information stays with us!
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Unfortunately I have to tell you that it does not work, my system is Windows 10 with Filemkaer 18 and with the corresponding key of the Google API.
Lamentablemente tengo que decirle que no funciona, mi sistema es Windows 10 con Filemkaer 18 y con la correspondiente clave de la API de Google.
This file has not been tested on Windows. However, I can confirm that there are issues on Windows.
Since it’s vacation time, we will look into it in the fall.
If anyone finds a solution in the mean time, please share it here.
Something is broken. I got one api key from google after enable maps javascript api, geocoding api, and maps static api. I saved the key. I did not enable billing afaik.
Google responds with “this page can’t load google maps correctly”. and asks if I own the website?
This file has been tested on Mac and iPad with obtained API keys from Google.
It seems like there is an issue on Windows.